
What Is EYFS?

EYFS stands for the early years foundation stage. This is a framework that sets standards for all early years providers, allowing children to get the proper care and development that they need to live a healthy life. This is something that promotes teaching and learning in a way that children will interact with the teacher and get the right foundation for being successful in school. The framework is actually quite complicated, it was revised on March 27, 2012, and it was fully implemented on September 1, 2012. The framework has focused on allowing professionals to give children the services that they need by as young as age 5. It focuses on written materials and all types of other interactive games and subjects that teachers can use to give children a better learning experience and promote their cognitive development. There are also voluntary food and drink guidelines that have been provided throughout the EYFS paperwork. This is a foundation that should be reviewed by parents, teachers, and even the students as well. It documents a number of different arrangements and exemptions that teachers and students must follow throughout the time they spend in school.

How EYFS Can Help You

If you want your children to excel in school, then the EYFS foundation is something that you should take seriously. It gives teachers a rubric to follow that shows them how to be effective at their job. It also sets guidelines for teacher-student relationships and shows teachers how to give effective learning techniques so that students and teachers can both be happy with the school process and they can all benefit from it. Teachers and students have a big job ahead of them, they need to take this seriously and do it what they can to improve the process for one another. Learning the basic concepts like reading, writing, math, science, history, and everything else is thoroughly important to a child’s education. They need to get the best possible assistance and they can do this by following the guidelines that have been specified in the EYFS early years foundation stage.

EYFS from We revolutionise assessment for learning in your school today, whether that be for the early years, primary and secondary stages of education. Visit us today for foundation stage curriculum.