
The importance of a cardiac defibrillator

A cardiac defibrillator is an electronic machine that is used when someone suffers a heart attack or they have sudden cardiac arrest. The cardiac defibrillator will is placed on the person’s chest and gives out a shock which can help to restore the hearts normal rhythm which in turn can save a person’s life. If the heart stops beating blood stops pumping through the body so the cardiac defibrillator works to shock the heart so it keeps pumping blood. Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the biggest killers and often people have no warning signs. Lots of places can help to save people’s lives by investing in a cardiac defibrillator to have on hand in case of a medical emergency. They should only be used by trained professionals and they are essential for all paramedics to carry with them at all times.

Since the introduction of automated defibrillation devices many more lives have been saved and this automated defibrillation device costs much less than the ones used in hospitals. Automated defibrillation devices can be used by almost anyone and they have built in voice assistance to the help the person using it apply it correctly to the victim. The machine will talk the user through all the steps while it is being used and it is always advisable to have a number of trained people on site so they are more prepared in case of a sudden cardiac arrest incident. An automated cardiac defibrillator is often purchased for schools, colleges, universities, leisure centres, large offices, doctors and dentist surgeries and large shopping centres.

Cardiac defibrillator devices give people the best chance of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest and it will mean that their heart can be kept pumping until professional medical assistance and treatment can be administered. Each and every year lots of people lose their lives due to sudden cardiac arrest and because no one is on hand with a cardiac defibrillator device to save their life. Places like doctors surgeries and dentists are common settings for people to suffer a sudden cardiac arrest so it vital that these places have automated defibrillation devices on hand to assist in saving lives.



First 4 Defibs is a website specializing in information about cardiac defibrillator. By referencing the site, you can learn about automated defibrillation and the devices themselves.