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Save money on glass scratch removal with innovative polishing techniques

A scratch or chip in your windows or glass doors can spell disaster. Scratches, chips or cracks compromise the stability of the glass meaning it could be in danger of shattering if not repaired or replaced. If you’ve received damage to your glass exteriors getting it fixed quickly will save hassle in the long run. To paraphrase the old saying “A repair in time saves you having to replace the whole window panel”. Re-New glass repair specialists have innovative solutions for glass scratch removal and glass restoration to save you money and time.

Our glass scratch removal process uses safe, quick and cost effective polishing techniques. This system is proven to maintain the integrity of strengthen glass meaning no risk to safety or security. By opting for glass scratch removal over total replacement you’ll see not only significant savings but will avoid the hassle of removing and replacing glass panels. Our work can be carried out without disruption to work places or business trade and is extremely quick. It makes logical to choose to fix damage to glass rather than go through the lengthy process of fitting new glass.

Resin repairs on chips for the best glass restoration results. Resin repairs were first used in vehicle windshield fixes and have proved invaluable across all glass restoration projects. It is much cheaper to repair with resin when possible rather than having to resort to replacing a section of window or wall, especially in the case of expensive safety glass. Re-New have developed resin products suitable for laminated glass resistant to yellowing over time or delamination. The result is clean and neat and most importantly restores the strength of your glass.

Rew-New’s team are highly trained and motivated to provide glass restoration services to the UK. Save money on your glass repairs by visiting us online at:



Scratch Glass Removal at We offer a range of glass maintenance services, such as scratch removal, restoration, repairs and more. Look no further and visit us today for Glass Restoration.

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