
Gastric Band

A gastric band is a device that is used across the world to help people to lose weight. The way it works is quite simple. Once a gastric band has been fitted, the amount that a person can eat in one sitting is severely restricted. This is because the band fits around the top of the stomach, effectively making the stomach’s capacity far smaller. This makes the patient feel fuller sooner and for longer, so they eat less overall.

Most people who have one fitted succeed in losing weight. It still takes time to lose the weight, but most people experience immediate health benefits from losing weight. Sticking to a healthy diet combined with a exercise regime speeds up the weight loss process and provides even more health benefits.

Who Can Have a Gastric Band Fitted?

Gastric bands are designed to help obese patients. Most surgeons will only fit gastric bands to people who have a high BMI (Body Mass Index), which should be over 35 or else over 30 with weight-related health complaints. They encourage people to try other ways of losing weight first.

To have a band fitted you have to be put under using a full anaesthetic and the risks of infection or embolism are the same as for any other kind of surgery. It is not a step to be taken lightly, but for those people who have tried and failed to lose weight any other way it is a lifesaver.

For many people the benefits far outweigh the risks. Being severely overweight makes you vulnerable to many serious diseases including heart disease and diabetes.

Where You Can Have a Gastric Band Fitted

In the UK, it is possible to have this surgery on the NHS. However, the waiting list is long and you have to be extremely overweight to qualify for the surgery.

Luckily, there is an alternative and that is to have your gastric band fitted privately. Many private clinics and hospitals offer this kind of surgery for a fair price. The best clinics also offer you support to help you to lose weight effectively once you have had the surgery done.


Bodycraft is one of London’s leading providers of weight loss surgery, including gastric bandand bypass, with top bariatric surgeons, private hospitals and an expert support team to help patients succeed in losing weight.