
Gain essential qualifications at the finest English language school Oxford

Choosing where to learn if you are hoping to secure the finest qualifications in English is quite a daunting task. It becomes slightly more challenging if you are an overseas student and want to study English in the UK. You know that an English language school Oxford will give you the greatest chance of being taught at the highest level, choose a learning academy carefully and you’ll receive outstanding English language tuition. However with so many learning establishments around, picking the perfect English language school Oxford isn’t always that straightforward. Want a tip about where you might find a first-class English language school Oxford? Try the Minerva Academy of English, for many pupils this is the only English language school Oxford to consider.

Why is this school better?

The Minerva Academy of English as a long-established English language school Oxford that sets a higher level for the standard of its English language tuition. Pupils travel from far-flung corners of the globe to receive English language tuition at this premier English language school Oxford. It sets the benchmark as an English language school Oxford and countless pupils book their place on a host of recognised courses because they want to improve their job prospects or secure places at university in an English-speaking country. This is the most in-demand English language school Oxford and pupils that gain qualifications at this excellent academy go on to achieve great things.

Are you ready to gain a superior qualification?

There are a number of courses to consider at the Minerva Academy of English it offers a range of English language tuition for pupils with wide-ranging abilities. There is no typical course length at the English language school Oxford, it all depends on the individual, but in general the courses last between 2 – 8 weeks and provide 25 hours of tuition per week. You stay with a host family when you study at the English language school Oxford and all meals are included in the place. Plus you can join in with the evening activities and weekend excursions that take place at the English language school Oxford and meet new friends in the process. If you want to achieve the best qualifications and study at a well-renowned established the Minerva Academy of English is the school to choose for first-rate English language tuition.



Straight from the finest English language school Oxford has to offer, consider the first-class English language tuition courses from the Minerva Academy of English when deciding where to gain your qualifications.