Shops & Retail

For a business that offers the finest TV rentals then you need only choose Forbes Rentals

Are you looking for a service that can offer you a choice of the finest selections of TV rentals? Have you decided that rather than incur the expense of purchasing a brand new television, or household appliance, that these tough economic times demand you to find a service with a selection of the finest TV rentals on the market today. If this surely the case then the only business that you need to consider is Forbes Rentals.

Established in 1926 Forbes Rentals is a family-owned business that provides a first rate TV rentals service and support network. Indeed, whether you have desires for DVD or Blue Ray recorders, or indeed if you desire to rent a washing machine, then here at Forbes Rentals we have just what you’re looking for.

What sets Forbes Rentals apart from the competition is simple. They provide a level of customer service that is of the finest pedigree. If you require TV rentals, or indeed the hire of any electrical equipment or household appliances then the service that you will receive at from us is second to none. With our own service department operating six days a week should you require any assistance after having chosen us as your TV rentals, or indeed household appliance we should simply be your hiring provider of choice, end of story.

Here at Forbes Rentals we have a wealth of options for anyone that is considering choosing a business such as ours for all of their TV rentals. Indeed, at just four pounds and fifteen pence per day the twenty six inch quality refurbished LCD HD Ready TV rentals are is a prime example of the quality TV rentals that we can offer you.

To find out more information about the selection of TV rentals that we can offer, or indeed if you’re considering any of the other appliances that we can offer, then come and pay us a visit at:

TV Rentals are fantastic if you don’t want to fully purchase and at we can allow you to Rent a Washing Machine at a great rate. Visit us today for more information!