
Conveyor Systems

The design of conveyor systems is very much to send something from one end of a space to another. In the case of airports conveyor systems are very much utilised because of baggage. Getting baggage from the check in area to the sorting centre to the plane requires a sophisticated set of conveyor systems to transfer all the baggage. While these baggage handling systems do result in some mistakes, they are nearly entirely made by staff rather than the conveyor systems themselves, as they simply perform the job they are meant to do and function as such. Outside of airports, conveyor systems are not highly common in our everyday lives. Escalators could in some ways be described as a set of conveyor systems, but commonly conveyor systems are generally designed and made to move inanimate items rather than people. In terms of where else you’ll find conveyor systems, postal networks both public and private use conveyor systems in order to sort the mail. While the baggage systems and conveyor systems in airports are complex, the ones seen in post offices and sorting centres for mail are on a whole other level. The complexity of these conveyor systems is unparalleled yet works highly effectively due to decades of constant improvements and changes in technology. As result, these conveyor systems are some of the most efficient in the world.

In terms of where conveyor systems will go in the future, it is yet to be seen. The postal service is most likely going to be leading the charge when it comes to revolutions in the technology of conveyor systems due to a massive reliance on a consistent and organised system that is not subject to mechanical failures very often or except in very rare circumstances. In terms of conveyor systems elsewhere, it is unlikely that they will have to be dramatically revolutionised anywhere outside the postal service, but the industry is highly open to innovation when it comes to changes in conveyor systems. Ensuring the conveyor systems do not suffer mechanical failure is probably the holy grail of innovation when it comes to conveyor systems, so it may be the next huge development in this industry.



Conveyor Systems from We specialise in designing conveyor systems suitable for unit handling applications. Visit us online today if you’re looking for sophisticated Belt Conveyors.