
Buying Cement Screed

Unless you’re in the construction business, the use of cement screed is going to be unheard of for you. The basis of cement screed is that it isn’t entirely cement, it is instead a substance quite like instead but mixed with another material like sharp sand. In some cases cement screed can even include aluminium for other effects or better results. In a lot of cases cement screed is used to level wet concrete, and while the traditional mixture for cement screed is indeed cement and sharp sand, as you can already see the details of the exact mix are up for debate. On average cement screed is used pretty much by every major construction company when it comes to cementing floors or pavement, this isn’t really up for much of a debate. The wide use of cement screed in the industry makes it an industry standard, and not using cement screed when commonly you would do can be questioned or even frowned up. Some techniques may make cement screed pointless and streamline the process further with similar results to cement screed, but we are yet to see someone come up with such a method. It is to be said that cement screed was invented in a similar way, so we might see changed in cement screed or even a replacement in coming years.

While cement screed is made from cement and sand, two objects commonly used on construction sites, there is usually a specialised supply of the mixture kept to avoid breaking into any other different types of cement or sand that might taint the mixture of the cement screed and affect the integrity of it when set. It is likely that the cement screed is bought in pre-mixed bags that are then mixed like regular cement. Buying cement screed in pre-mixed bags is a quicker way of getting the job done than having to combine it yourself in precise amounts before getting it mixed to be used. While a time saver, these bags of cement screed might go for a higher premium based on the emphasis on time on construction sites.



Cement Screed available at We offer quality screeding at the best prices. Visit us today if you are looking for Screeding London.