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A great way to buy Westex Carpets without blowing a huge hole in your budget

Consider the different manufacturers of luxury carpet in the UK and Westex Carpets will be difficult to ignore. For countless years Westex carpets have provided luxury floor coverings to households throughout the country and their products are renowned for their quality and longevity. You invest in Westex Carpets with the confidence that you have purchased durable, hard wearing floor coverings that feel just as good to the touch as they are pleasing on the eye. All this quality often comes at a cost, buy Westex carpets direct from approved stores and it’s not going to be a cheap household purchase. Opt for carpet remnants though, from suppliers of roll end Westex Carpets and this can see the price of quality carpet tumble.

If you haven’t thought about using carpet remnants before you should do, this is a shrewd and affordable way to furnish your home with good quality Westex Carpets. There’s nothing wrong with the quality of carpet remnants, not when they are cut from long rolls of Westex Carpets. Carpet remnants might be off-cuts from large batches and they are often end of roll carpet that come in sizes ranging from 1m to 30m in total. This is brand new carpet, not just any old carpet mind, they’re top quality Westex Carpets, and the only difference between them and carpets that are bought direct from mainstream suppliers is the price. You should see the savings you can make just by opting for carpet remnants instead of paying full price for Westex Carpets that are cut to order.

The only snag with carpet remnants is they sometimes come in odd sizes but that shouldn’t put you off buying Westex Carpets in this manner. Suppliers of carpet remnants have a host of different sizes in stock at any given time and you can find end of roll rugs or off cuts of Westex Carpets that can be cut to measure ready to fit in all areas of your home. You might have a hallway that’d look gorgeous fitted with Westex Carpets or a bedroom that’s crying out to be treated with the finest of floor coverings. Buy quality cuts of carpet from class-leading companies like Designer Carpet Remnants and they always have high class floor coverings in stock at the best possible prices.



Designer Carpets and Remnants specialise in carpet remnants – high quality leftover carpet remnants from top brands. This is the cheapest way of getting high quality Westex carpets – no loss in standards, big drop in price!